"I Am" - Creating safe space.
“How might we build the compassion and courage to make our highest contribution, at this moment in history?”. This is the question we convened around for a special event in Chelsea, NYC in January 2017.
We were so excited to join forces with the magical Tanya Birl-Torres (SOHumanity), social activist, Broadway dancer to host "I Am" , an intimate gathering for our very different networks to explore the cognitive dissonance that the 2016 US election has stirred up.
We brought together the curious from The Broadway , Mindfulness, Systems Change, and Social Innovation communities from across New York to inspire and to help them cultivate the courage to act from wherever we are sitting within the system.
Our theory of change followed Theory U which talks about the need to develop curiosity, compassion and finally courage at times of disruption like this. That embodying the change we want to bring about in the world is an important step, before we act.
The event centered around a series of tensions including 'celebrating progress' to 'smug progressives', 'Compassion' to 'Activism and will explore 'who am I to act?'.
What do I need to let go of?
A second event was a yoga workshop exploring the concept of 'creative destruction'. We asked the question, 'what do I need to let go in order to grow?' A Trained Yoga teacher Tanya led the session which concluded with a journal writing session.