Projects - Leading systems change  - Future of accounting

Injecting creativity and agility. 

How do you spread creativity throughout an organization that wants to be fit for the future?

This is the question we have been working on at IFAC (The International Federation of Accountants).

The organization sits over the major accountancy membership bodies in the world. Much of their work involves bringing an international group together to address emerging trends affecting accountants.

We started by helping IFAC design their accountants in business Committee Meetings better- to be more participatory and dare I say- fun. We moved from UN style microphones to post-it notes and graphic illustrators. 

Word spread and I have been working on a number of new initiatives: 

  • Supporting the international development committee to get more out of their international Committee meetings 

  • Writing about the UN Sustainable Development Goals and how technology is disrupting the profession. 

  • Teaching workshop design and facilitation to staff across the organization.

  • Designing a Young Ambassadors Forum in Brazil, for young accountants to look at the future of the profession. 

  • Supporting senior to get bottom-up input from the staff on an internal reorganization. 

Feedback has been excellent, meaningful connections have been made and powerful outputs have been launched as a result.

"You've transformed us!"

Stathis gould, head of professional accountants in business, ifac